Google Chrome's Most Important Shortcut Keys
Google Chrome
Google Chrome's Most Important
Shortcut Keys
That Can Make You A Better Chrome User
If you need to open a new tab in Chrome, press (ctrl + t) a new tab will open in front of you.
2. Close The Tab
If you want to close any tab, you can press (ctrl + w), or (Ctrl + F4). With this shortcut, you can close any tab or close all the tabs one by one.
3. Reopen Closed Tab
(ctrl + shift + t)
If you are doing some work on a tab in Chrome and you have accidentally closed the same tab and you want to open that tab again you can press ctrl + shift + t) that tab will come back in its place.
4. Switch On Tab
If you have opened some tabs in your Chrome and you want to move to another tab from the keyboard, you can press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 with the ctrl. You can go directly to any tab by pressing any number.
5. Switch To the Last Tab
If you have opened some tabs in Chrome and you want to switch to the last tab, then press (ctrl + 9). You will directly reach the last tab.
6. Go To The Next Open Tab
(ctrl + tab or ctrl+pagedown)
If you have opened some tabs in Chrome and you want to go to the next tab. then press (ctrl + tab or ctrl+pagedown), and then you can switch the tab one by one.
7. Go To The Previous Tab
(ctrl+pageup or ctrl+shift+tab)
If you have opened some tabs in Chrome and want to go to the previous tab one by one you, can go by pressing (Ctrl + PageUp or Ctrl + Shift + Tab).
8. Open New Window
If you are working in Chrome and want to open a new window, you can press (ctrl + n) and then a new window will open.
9. Open Incognito Window
If you are working in Chrome and want to open a new window, you can press (ctrl + n) and then a new window will open for you.
10. Close Window
(Ctrl + Shift + W), Or (Alt + F4)
If you want to close Chrome's window then press (ctrl + shift + w), or (alt + f4), your window will close.
11. Go To Search Bar
If you want to go to the search bar, then you can press (ctrl + L) from the keyboard, you will reach you directly in the search bar.
12. Bookmark The Website
If you want to bookmark a website, press (ctrl + d), you will see a dialog box, click on Done, that website will be bookmarked.
13. Access The History
If you want to go to Chrome history with the help of the keyboard, you can go by pressing (Ctrl + H).
14. Access Download History
If you want to see the download history (Ctrl + J), you can see what is being downloaded, what you have downloaded.
15. Open Task Manager
You can open task manager by pressing (shift + Esc) and see all (task, memory footprint, CPU, network, or process id)
16. Open The Link In A New Foreground Tab
(Ctrl+Shift+Left Click)
If you are using Chrome and it has a link that you want to open in the foreground tab, click that link with ctrl. A new tab of that link will open in front of you.
17. Open The Link In A New Background Tab
(Ctrl+Left Click)
If you are using Chrome and it has a link that you want to open in the background tab, click that link with ctrl. A new tab of that link will open in a background tab.
18. Open The Link In A New Window
(Shift+Left Click)
If you are using Chrome and it has a link that you want to open in a new window, click that link with Shift.
19. Download The Link
(Alt+Left Click)
If you are using Chrome and it has a link. And if you want to download that link, then click on that link with Alt, that link will be downloaded.
20. Delete
With this keyboard shortcut, you can go to the Clear browsing data panel to delete any details saved in Chrome, for this you press (ctrl + shift + delete) from the keyboard and delete the data you want to delete.
21. Full Screen
If you want to see a page in full screen in Chrome you can view it from f11 and then you can return to normal mode with f11
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